Endoscopic AVR
Learning objectives: Access, aortomy & valve exposure, valve implantation
Mini-sternotomy AV-MV-surgery
Learning objectives: Partial sternotomy, cannulation, LA-access, MV exposure
Endoscopic MVR for functional mitral regurgitation
Learning objectives: Access, camera placement, valve analysis, subvalcular repair techniques, assessment of tethering, repair vs replacement
Endoscopic MVR (Complex mitral repair)
Learning objectives:remote cannulation, camera placement, valve analysis, repair strategy, triangular resection vs artificial chordae
Mini-Sternotomy MVR-TVR for atrial functional MR/TR
Learning objectives: Acces MV, TV, valve exposure, repair strategy & technique
Endoscopic concomitant MVR-Afib surgery
Learning objectives: Left atrial endocardial cryo-ablation lines, occlusion of the atrial appendage, mitral valve repair using premeasured loops
Transaxillary direct vision MVR
Learning objectives: Indications, trasaxillary access, valve exposure
Endoscopic MVR (functional prolapse with mitral annular disjunction)
Learning objectives: Surgeon's verification for functional prolapse, repair strategy, leaflet treatment, avoiding SAM