15th Training Course for Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

September 15 - 18, 2024

Valve Surgery under RE-CONSTRUCTION

Home » Focus Valve 2019 » Final Program » Day 4


Day 4 | Wednesday | September 18 | 2019

08:00 - 12:00Track 1:Perioperative echocardiography for surgeonsconference room anaesthesiology
08:30 - 16:30Track 2: Porcine beating heart wetlab 
(8 groups of 4-5 participants, 90 min. group)
seminar room 1
Beating heart valve simulation Lab transaortic TAVI
Beating heart valve simulation Lab TEER
Beating heart valve simulation Lab transapical neochordae
Tutors: Krapf C, Stastny L
Tutors: TBA
Tutors: Vogt F, Doll K-N
09:00 - 13:00Track 3:MIMVS wetlab Iseminar room 2
Practising MIMVS. Focus on shafted instruments, videoendoscopy, knot tying demonstration of MICS enablers
14:00 - 18:00MIMVS wetlab IIseminar room 2
Identical to Wetlab I

Meeting Point Workshops:

The meeting point for all workshop participants is the registration desk (Foyer of the main auditorium!)!